Oven roasted turkey breast doesn't get any better than this Stuffed Turkey Breast! Perfect for any weeknight, not just Thanksgiving!Oven roasted turkey...
Farinata is a quick and delicious flatbread that is a cross between polenta and a pizza. Since it's made with chickpea flour, it is also gluten-free and...
Crispy baked whole30 cauliflower patties with a delicious creamy cilantro garlic sauce. Easy paleo and whole30 recipe for lunch, dinner, and even breakfast...
EatSimpleFood.com This chicken cacciatore recipe is made on the stovetop but can easily be made in in a crock-pot for 4-6 hours. Don't have time to sear...
Another converted recipe from Cooking light for OAMC use. These are obviously good and like right away and a good alternative to fast food if you want...
Filled with ham, cheddar cheese, ranch dressing spices and hash brown potatoes, this is an easy to make family freezer dinner with only a few minutes of...
My super easy country style pork loin chops recipe is guaranteed to produce delicious, tender, and juicy pork chops every time! With a generous coating...
How to make Alfredo Sauce with milk that is rich and creamy. This rich, thick and creamy Alfredo sauce recipe is made with milk and only takes 15 minutes...
Learn how to make this frozen fish sticks in air fryer recipe perfectly in a matter of minutes. Straight from the freezer to your air fryer, they turn...
These air fryer fish sticks are amazing! Just put frozen fish sticks in the air fryer and it will cook it to perfection! Air fried fish sticks are crispy...
This fun low-carb pizza is a great high protein meal! Top a chicken breast with pizza sauce, cheese, and your favorite toppings. This version uses ham...
When you want a flavorful dinner that is so easy to make, you've got to try this Instant Pot Teriyaki Salmon and Rice. This gluten-free recipe has only...
Sweet n tangy marinade and sauce make these pork chops an outstanding dinner dish. Make the sauce the night before, marinate until after work the next...
This recipe contains glucomannan, a natural, soluble fiber that is often used to help with weight loss. (The fiber creates a sense of fullness and can...
Get your slow cookers out friends! We are making these Slow Cooker Honey Mustard Drumsticks. Here is a no-fuss and easy to make recipe with less than 10...
Vietnamese Fried Fish with Green Mango Salad (Ca Chien Mam Xoai) is unbelievably easy to make, yet very tasty and refreshing. The fish is fried until crispy...